Criminal Law

Criminal Law Services

100+ Years of Experience | Full-Service Firm

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Free Consultations

100+ Years of Experience

Full-Service Firm

(847) 934-6000
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Quality Criminal Defense in Northwest Chicago

If you've been charged with a criminal offense, you're facing one of the most frightening challenges of your life. Even before your day in court, you will face embarrassing public charges, and you will likely have your liberty constrained through arrest and detention.

You may also have received orders from the court that requires you to participate in frequent drug or alcohol testing and to stay away from witnesses or locations where the crime is alleged to have occurred. These temporary restrictions can be extremely traumatic and burdensome.

If you are ultimately convicted of the offense, the consequences will be even more severe. Depending on the charge, you may face jail time, fines, extensive court monitoring, and a permanent record that will follow you throughout your life and may limit your future opportunities to obtain employment, financing, or housing.

That's why you need a lawyer with criminal defense experience. You can trust Drost, Gilbert, Andrew & Apicella, LLC - DGAA Law LLC. We have over 100 years of combined experience, and we're a full-service law firm. We will never stop working to defend you during this stressful time.

We can start building your case right away. We'll do a thorough investigation to fight back against the government's evidence. Throughout the entire process, we'll provide sound advice and ongoing support. We will force the government to live up to the burden of proving the charges against you beyond a reasonable doubt.

With our knowledgeable assistance and prudent advice, you will not have to succumb to the prosecution’s charges or suffer the onerous consequences of conviction without a fight. Call now for a free consultation on your criminal case.

DUI, DWI, BWI, and OUI Cases

If you have been charged with operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you will be facing serious consequences. This includes jail time, fines, and the loss of your driver’s license.

Our experienced DUI attorneys will provide you with a strong defense and will work to ensure the best possible outcome. You may be able to get a plea deal for a lesser charge or an outright acquittal.

In the event that you are convicted, we'll still be there for you. We can assist you in the process of reinstating your driver’s license after DUI-related license revocation. We'll help you get your life back!

Drug Possession Cases

The possession, distribution, or possession with the intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance or marijuana will result in serious criminal penalties. Illinois classifies controlled dangerous substances by dividing them into five schedules to reflect the drug's addictive quality, abuse potential, and more.

The punishment for drug possession can be considered a Class A, B, or C misdemeanor or a Class 1, 2, 3, or 4 felony. Your punishment will depend on the type and amount of the drug possessed.

For a first-time offense with a small amount of drugs, you may just get probation. However, more serious crimes can result in incarceration of up to 50 years and steep fines of $200,000 or more.

Similarly, possession of marijuana can be treated either as a Class A, B, or C misdemeanor or a Class 1, 2, 3, or 4 felony offense. Your charges will be related to the amount of drugs in your possession. Punishment can range from probation up to 15 years of incarceration and steep fines.

Offenses involving the distribution of drugs or possession with the intent to distribute drugs can result in even more severe punishment. These sentences can include up to a 60-year jail term and fines of up to $500,000 or more.

There are even mandatory minimum incarceration periods for Class X felony offenses, which involve Schedule I drugs, large quantities of drugs, or repeat offenses. The delivery of marijuana or possession with intent to deliver can result in similarly harsh penalties.

Traffic Offense Cases

If you are charged with a traffic offense under the Illinois Vehicle Code, you may face significant fines and potentially even the loss of your license. That's why traffic offenses require professional legal support.

If you enter a guilty plea to two moving violations in a 12-month period, you may be subject to court supervision. A third guilty plea in a 12-month period could result in a conviction on your record and the suspension of your driver’s license. If you're under 21, two tickets can result in license suspension.

Drost, Gilbert, Andrew & Apicella, LLC - DGAA Law LLC is here to help. We provide assistance for cases involving moving violations such as:

  • Speeding
  • Street racing
  • Reckless driving
  • Fleeing or eluding an officer
  • Seat belt violations
  • Driving on a suspended or revoked license
  • Driving with an expired license plate or registration
  • Driving without insurance

Call now to talk to a traffic offense attorney before you enter a guilty plea by mailing in your ticket. DGAA Law LLC will make sure you understand all your options and help you make the best choices.

The Legal Team You Trust for Full-Service Support

If you are facing criminal charges, consult an experienced criminal defense attorney right away. At Drost, Gilbert, Andrew & Apicella, LLC - DGAA Law LLC, we are proud to be a full-service law firm to help you with all your legal needs. With over 100 years of collective experience, we're ready to help!

Our criminal defense lawyers are ready to take on your case. We'll research your case to defend you throughout every step of the process. If you're charged with a crime in Arlington Heights, Rolling Meadows, Palatine, Inverness, Schaumburg, and Barrington, IL, call us as soon as possible to talk about your case.

Call at any time to start your legal defense. We have an office in Palatine, IL, and we're ready to serve clients all throughout the greater Chicagoland area.

Learn More About

Drost, Gilbert, Andrew & Apicella, LLC - DGAA Law LLC

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